

Fleeting Tweeting – 2011-07-21

Go you! RT @manic_pixie: Come and see me at booth 4500-4501 at San Diego Comiccon, signing Unmasked issue 1 and drawing commissions! # Gah why is @Telstra #NextG so shitty in #Perth CBD? Slow & dropouts which don't happen in other suburbs. Congestion / insufficient spectrum? # “With Smarter Storage, we make your storage . . . → Read More: Fleeting Tweeting – 2011-07-21

Fleeting Tweeting – 2011-07-20

ROTFL – dog tries to get a statue to throw a stick. (via @transcendancing ) #

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Fleeting Tweeting – 2011-07-13

Hahahahaha! RT @slashdot: Zuckerberg Quits Google+ Over Privacy Concerns #

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Fleeting Tweeting – 2011-07-10

So what do the unemployed get? Do various benefits & pensions increase in line with the tax free threshold increase? #CarbonTax # Drink whenever @JuliaGillard says “We will get this done.” #CarbonTax #DrinkingGames #

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Fleeting Tweeting – 2011-07-08

Heh. Soulbound. # *looks suspiciously at you both whilst holding a 12″ wooden stake* RT @ScientistMags: @sebsharp *sparkles* 😀 #

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Fleeting Tweeting – 2011-07-07

“A man was hospitalised with 6 plastic horses up his arse. The doctors described his condition as stable.” #

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Fleeting Tweeting – 2011-07-06

Nothing like a fire alarm to wake one up in the morning… # The problem with being a fire warden is I can't just duck off for a coffee when there's a building evacuation 😛 #

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Fleeting Tweeting – 2011-07-05

. @ScientistMags @Louiseontwitr I'd be more interested as to who would admit to following Faux News 😛 #

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Fleeting Tweeting – 2011-07-04

Is there a #Twitter -> #GooglePlus API / service yet? # I was just in the #Kimberley and the consensus there is that the @DECWesternAus burning is causing more damage than help. cc: @SNWA # I haven't confirmed but sounds good if true. RT @Wolfie_Rankin: Friend confirms G+ is open, you want an account, . . . → Read More: Fleeting Tweeting – 2011-07-04

Fleeting Tweeting – 2011-07-03

#Perth is so cold compared to the #Kimberley that I want to turn around and fly straight back! # So, Twitter, did I miss anything important in the last ten days? #

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